Copas.jpg 2009 – 2011 grant – research – group exhibit «really usefull art (2013) – not a «work» but to design a activity program. – 11 may occupation of the street – show works asscociated to pedagogical practices and activism – contents in a public exhibition in the Reina Sofia (political strategy to use culture as an instrumental tool to indoctrinate citizenship) – Important for left, at the time, to put Spain between the other eu countries without a long history of domination – museum as a public institution – 15M movement of the «indignatos» interested into introducing practices into museums that were post representional.

4 questions – idea: «how can a public museum becomes a constitute institution» with «other forms of governance». – M15 debate can be a bridge become a catwalk? – Reina Sofia was the drive, were there other forms? – nature of the museum has to be performative, so it had need of «very usefull knowledge» – ABCD (keywords) – mediation and public programs connected with institution – «why is learning together useful» (drawing is relevant) – » – What kind of learning arises from sociual movement – what kind of politics can be triggered by images Walking assembly at 7:00 (entrance to the museum is free and everyone and connected to a leaflet) – rutes were mediated by two people that tried to go behond the standad conventions of the education dpt – «what do image politically trigger» was the most chosen – walking assembly is a collective performance, events shifted the frame of meaning – listener and speacker were in resonance – suggested in front of a different work a different activity – museum accepted to do it horizontally, were audience was acting by themselve, «taking the lead of the tour» – action were a useful knowledge, organised and developed by diferent organisations – in the picture, «marea blanca» (white tight) – white tide is formed by people working in the health system critisizing the precarity in that system, that have been since long on the streets, were invited to come in the space.

baloncesto 037 DPT in museums – hyerarchical burocracy – no communication between the dpt – all these differnt actions were divided into 3 different groups – name was important – conversatinal: dialogues on collective production of knowledge open dialogue between organisations, organisations that occupied public space in order to produce commons, how it is possible to introduce a political view on the education system inviting the dpt of department in museum with other – liberational : de colonisation of knowledge – declination magnetica – somatica (agit-tv, transgenderism and transexuality) – fefarilla (feminist) inviting different woman activists from ’70es to now, that wrote a manifesto abaout their time, and it was an emotional meeting. GOVERNANCE Governance of peer based open art projects some basic questions – HOW WE MANAGE THE RELATION BETWEEN US ? 1. HOW: GOVERNANCE AND SHARED ETHICS IN ITERATIONS

1.1. What tools will be used for the communication, documentation and coordination of the project? WILL THE BUDGET BE MANAGED COLLECTIVELY AND HOW ? Interesting enough was that they invited people to take picture of the shirt of the movement, that was intensly simbolic, because the shirt was prohibithed – domestic worker collective – collaborative process – experience of the useless

lot of paradoxes, conflicts and events are connected – MUSEUM vs Musaion – patrimony is a COMMON?

Made a tour in subgroups and filled in some sheets of paper – is it still a good habit to introduce the people that works? 1 year before (2018): Step I: invite and present the idea of iterations. Step II: think and reflect a lot! End of 2018: Step II: esc chooses artists: selection

1.2. What strategies/tools will be used for communication, documentation and coordination of the project? HOW WE WILL EVALUATE THE PROJECT ? HOW WE DECIDE a CHANGE ? How to make the final call? La selección británica, muy cuestionada por su juego, camiseta nueva de la real sociedad se plantó en la final de Berlín a base de empates y resultados ajustados. Who makes the final call? Who is going to use them? 2. How is the process for selecting the participating artists going to be? Communication and communities – verbal and not verbal – within community – inside community and outside – mechanics of trust – jobs and money flow – volunteers – is the process open or closed?

Comunication inside and outside. Non verbal comunication suggestions? Non propriantery tools
– Co-writing pad
– Sound recording, drawings, camiseta de la real sociedad 2024 relatograma
– Research catalogue
– Make a wish list of tools/strategies used to be used
– Tools to find out the invisible roles? How to use the tools? HOW DO WE TALK ? HOW DO WE SELECT THE ARTISTS ? HOW WE CONTRACT THE ARTISTS WE INVOLVE ? HOW WE AGREE ? El éxito radica en que fue una temporada atípica con dos fases y con la reestructuración de categorías para la temporada que viene podía haber descendido hasta dos categorías este mismo año. ↑ «Iñigo Martínez: «Para ser capitán hay que valer y yo valgo»». En 1978 el club deportivo de fútbol de la Universidad de Chile pasa a ser la Corporación de Fútbol Profesional de la Universidad de Chile (CORFUCH). Al igual que el fútbol sala o fútbol de salón, el fútbol playa contiene grandes similitudes con el fútbol tradicional. En razón de que el General ha esgrimido una serie de argumentos completamente razonables sobre la confidencialidad que en su opinión tienen las informaciones que yo le he requerido, entonces yo quisiera que en la Presidencia, por órgano de su Secretaría, le hiciera la solicitud correspondiente al ciudadano, ya no será usted en este caso, ya será el Jefe de la Casa Militar, que es actualmente quién, el Coronel Moreno Acosta, para que entonces nos informe de manera privada, por supuesto, las proporciones de las informaciones requeridas.

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por Alma